Testosterone is a hormone found in both men and women and is secreted by the adrenal glands, testes, and ovaries. Testosterone protects against cardiovascular disease, hypertension, body fat, and arthritis and has many additional benefits.  Testosterone also prolongs the quality of life by decreasing the diseases of aging, as does estrogen and progesterone in the female.

Testosterone is important for everyone making supplementation absolutely recommended for both men and women which is why Preventive Medicine Centers offers a Testosterone only program, which is a hormone replacement therapy option for men. Low testosterone can be problematic in many ways at any age, so let's get ahead of the problem!

The Effects of Andropause on Palm Springs Residents

The most common complaints from men involve the inability to build muscle, loss of interest in intimacy, less intense orgasm and overall loss of muscle.  Brain fog and clarity of thought are tied to optimal hormone levels.  In men bone loss is attributed to deficient testosterone levels.

Why is Andropause, male menopause, ignored while Menopause is widely discussed and treated?

They are very similar experiences. Both typically occur from age 40 on and are caused by having low T or low testosterone. Both can be accompanied by fatigue, depression, irritability, aches, and pains, and many other issues.

Typically, when hormones in men are discussed in the media, it is usually about the abuse among athletes, which has given rise to the perception that all testosterone is dangerous. Add to that the unfounded fear that testosterone causes prostate cancer, and the misunderstanding escalates.

Tackling low testosterone in a natural, healthy way is what our team specializes in. Don't let misinformation turn you away from a healthy option as you work through Andropause or other issues related to low testosterone.  A simple blood test can determine if your levels are not high enough or not optimized for your age.

Tackling Low T in Palm Springs with Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy [TRT], done with bio-identical testosterone in physiologic doses, is not only safe but also protective. Testosterone has been shown to prevent osteoporosis, protect against cardiovascular disease, increase energy, fight impotence, and improve mood. A recently published study showed that men with higher testosterone levels live longer.

Our TRT therapy services focus on hormone replacement therapy for men and women as a way to combat low t and ultimately protect our patients from further discomfort or bigger health issues.

Addressing TRT & its Many Benefits

Multiple medical studies have proven that testosterone does not cause prostate cancer. Interestingly, men typically get prostate cancer when they are older and their testosterone levels are naturally at their lowest. In fact, low testosterone levels are associated with more aggressive cancerous tumors.

Men who receive testosterone replacement therapy (or TRT for short) at our clinic typically report they feel sexier, stronger, and healthier.

Testosterone therapy can slow down the physical decline that robs men of their energy, strength, and libido by restoring muscle tone, improving stamina, mood and one's overall send of well-being.

Start Testosterone Therapy with us in Palm Springs Today!

Be sure and give us a call today for more information about our testosterone therapy options and low t services for men and women.  

Our hours of operation for TRT therapy services and our additional options for testosterone and hormone replacement therapy for men in Palm Springs are Monday through Thursday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Pacific Standard time.  

When it comes to health and wellness options delivered throughout the Palm Springs area, Preventive Medicine Centers is the only choice.

Our Vision

Our Vision at Preventive Medicine Center is to be the most sought-after, respected, scientifically based, and life-changing solution of its kind in the world. People from all walks of life seek us out because here, they are finally heard, honored, treated with dignity, and most of all healed. Contact our team today, we look forward to meeting you.